DB2 libraries are still loaded in memory
DB2 libraries are still loaded in memory error pops up while installing Fixpack on DB2 database. I am using DB2 v9.7 and while installing a new fixpack I get below error message.I tried on v9.5 and still get the same error.
OS: RHEL 6.5
DB2: v9.7 and v9.5
Stopping DB2 Fault Monitor :…….Failure
ERROR: The installFixPack command detected some DB2 libraries are still loaded
in memory and some applications might still be running in the current
installation copy.
All applications must be stopped. See the fix pack readme
for pre-installation instructions, and re-run the installFixPack command.
Alternatively, to override automatic checking, you can re-issue the
installFixPack command with the ‘-f db2lib’ parameter.
Note: If you re-issue
the installFixPack command with the ‘-f db2lib’ parameter, after the DB2
instances are updated, some applications might not work properly and might need
to be restarted to function properly against the updated DB2 instance. Preparing the system :…….Failure
Below image for error description,
IBM Technote link stating about the issue is given here, http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21509240
We need to make sure that,
1. db2prechk returns 0 before performing the Fixpack installation.
Below command should return 0 so that we can go for Fix pack upgrade otherwise check the log message for exact error.
<DB2 installed directory>instance/db2prechk -b /opt/ibm/db2/V9.7 -d;echo $?
2. db2 libraries process list should not be returned during fixpack installation.
This command given below shouldn’t list any libraries and incase any of the loaded libraries comes up, we may have to kill the process or stop any other application using DB2.
lsof +D /opt/ibm/db2/V9.7
Assuming that /opt/ibm/db2/V9.7 is our installed DB2 directory.
3. Before installing a fix pack, if there are DB2 database products installed in the selected installation path, you must stop all of the DB2 processes. If you have multiple DB2 copies, stop only the DB2 processes that are associated with the copy that you are updating.
installFixPack command reference from DB2 v9.7 knowledge center
Before installing fix pack instructions link