db2fmcd to be stopped before db2 fixpack install

db2fmcd to be stopped before db2 fixpack install is performed.

InstallFixpack command may fail with “ERROR: The installFixPack command detected some DB2 libraries are still loaded in memory” because db2fmcd or the other db2 processes like db2fmcd or db2bp still may work with db2 libraries. DB2 fault monitor controller daemon (db2fmcd) process need to be terminated before db2 fixpack is applied.

IBM Technote mentioning about the same here.

DB2 fault monitor controller daemon (db2fmcd) process can be terminated by “db2fmcu -d” command.

Though they are APARs IT05704, IT06025, IT06026, problem may exist on the db2 Linux system and in this case the “initctl stop db2fmcd” command as root can be a workaround in order to stop the db2fmcd service.


Below links for reference,

IBM Technote stating about this issue here

Refer to my earlier blog entry stating the resolution process here.

APAR Information,

IT05704 (v9.7) : RHEL6: db2fmcd process is not spawned
IT06025 (v10.1) : RHEL6: db2fmcd process is not spawned
IT06026 (v10.5) : RHEL6: db2fmcd process is not spawned